Energy Efficiency Considerations In Menlo Park
Are you an energy efficient person living in an energy efficient world working for an energy efficient company? Do you have a “Green” philosophy about life in California and a desire to conserve our natural resources? Do you care about the environment? These are the questions that are being asked by those in power who have discovered that “caring about the environment” is a good way to win votes, but what is the real feeling about energy efficiency and conservation? Everyone cares. We all have to live on this planet and no one really wants to see our natural resources disappear, but what are people really willing to do to prevent that? Speeches won’t do it. It takes action, and on a major scale if we’re to slow down the rate of consumption. -- Save money and power appliances with solar power Why Not Save A Few Bucks?It’s not as difficult as it sounds. The principle of “everyone doing a little bit to accomplish a whole lot” definitely comes into play here. If each of us uses just a little less energy each day, then that energy will be available to us and our children just a little while longer. Menlo Park Electrical Services has three suggestions to residents in the Bay Area. If each of us does the following, we’ll be taking enormous strides in energy efficiency.